Sterling Silver Flatware
We love to buy sterling silver flatware. We have purchased hundreds of millions of dollars of sterling silverware since 1972. We buy all manufacturers and in any condition.
Monograms not a problem.
Always looking for Tiffany, Buccellati, Georg Jensen, Gorham, Towle, Wallace, Lunt, International, Reed & Barton, Kirk Stieff, Alvin, Whiting, Manchester and many other name brand companies.
Although some patterns might only be valued for metal value, we always strive to pay as much as we can based on resale and antique silver value. This premium depends on the desirability of the pattern and condition is also a big determining factor on price valuation.
Flatware can be made in the USA or out of the country.

Boxed Sets
We purchase complete Boxed Set of Sterling Silver Flatware. Complete or incomplete we will assess the vlaue based on number of pieces, condition and the resale value of the pattern.
Flatware Pieces
We can purchase just one piece or thousands. We buy sterling silver settings, serving pieces, collectors spoons, accescory pieces, bulk lots of flatware and more.

Rare Silver
We buy rare collectible and vintage sterling silver flatware and serving pieces. Tiffany, Gorham Martele, Georg Jensen are other rare makers are ones we especially want to purchase.